Crystal Wake aka MuxLuxx

Crystal Wake (MuxLuxx)

IT & Cyber Security Enthusiast

DEFCON 31 + BlackHat 2023

Mux Goes To DEFCON With Friends!

Crystal W.


Defcon 31 & BlackHat USA 2023 with Friends Overview

This year was the first year I was able to come back and see my friends at Defcon & Black Hat. The experience was wonderful! I got to meet people that I have been talking to for years online but never met. One of those wonderful people was Admiral! He has been my mentor since 2020 when I first joined the DC801 Defcon Group. We had always talked online and done classes where he taught me how to code, create things and most importantly FILL ALL THE DATABASES WITH GOATS!~ My new found obsession. (lol)

I also got to attend my first village that I was able to participate in, The Hardware Hacking Village! I was able to fix a badge and learn to make new things. The people there were so nice and really amazing, they treated me well/taught me so much in the small time I was there. I had an amazing time with my friends and I got to know that eventhough I do not know what I am doing there are amazing, smart people that are there to help. One example, The Lockpicking Village, the instructors there helped me lock pick for the first time and it has become a passion for me recently. Youtubers McNally and LockPicking Lawyers have been amazing influences for me to learn this craft and has been really a driving force to keep going in the community.

BlackHat USA was great as well! I got to work with my past group and got to see old faces that I haven’t seen in over 2 years. I honestly missed my friends and this was something I really needed after a ROUGH last 2 years. I learned alot from SeaQuill and TJ. They also got me a badge where I was able to talk to people in a short range. This was an amazing experience! I loved working with everyone and loved getting to hang out with everyone.

Biggest Regret: Not seeing Hacker Jeopardy Biggest Wish Come True: Meeting Admiral & Joining PepperCon

Dream Big and Eat Spicy, my friends!


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