Crystal Wake aka MuxLuxx

Crystal Wake (MuxLuxx)

IT & Cyber Security Enthusiast

DEFCON 31 + BlackHat 2023

Mux Goes To DEFCON With Friends!

Crystal W.


This year was the first year I was able to come back and see my friends at Defcon & Black Hat. The experience was wonderful! I got to meet people that I have been talking to for years online but never met. One of those wonderful people was Admiral! He has been my mentor since 2020 when I first joined the DC801 Defcon Group. We had always talked online and done classes where he taught me how to code, create things and most importantly FILL ALL THE DATABASES WITH GOATS!~ My new found…

Mux makes live changes

Mux makes some big life changes.

Crystal W.


Recently, I have been gone for quite a while and the reason for this was due to my streaming schedule. I also for some time ran a shop on Etsy but unfortunately had to close down due to the amount it was costing me to run this. I had to pay an additional closing cost along with this. I have had to close shop eventhough I would have perferred not to. At this moment, I would like to focus on new things and trying to get to do different things. I recenty re-created my pwnagotchi I needed for a…

Why I left and where I have been...

Mux comes back after a long time.

Crystal W.


I have been gone for quite a bit and I decided to post of where I have been and why I have been gone recently. The reason for me being gone is depressingly enough is depression. I have struggled with it in the past and things I use to find enjoyment in are no longer making me happy. Why is this? I have had people who I was decently close to pass away and I am trying to deal with it. My stream schedule is stagent and the only things that have been constant are my streams with WBSG. I have been…

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